
How Long Can Sperm Live Inside The Vagina After Intercourse

By Egbodo Peter

A sperm is a male reproductive cell that is produced by the testes of a male reproductive organ. These are produced in the seminiferous tubules of each testicle. A mature sperm cell is about 0.05 millimeters long and it consists of a head, body, and tail.

The head of the sperm consists of DNA that combines with your female partner’s egg’s DNA. The head of the sperm is called the acrosome, which helps the sperm to pierce through the egg.

The mid-section of the sperm consists of the mitochondria that supply energy to the sperm’s tail. This energy makes the tail move to swim through the female reproductive tract towards the egg.

Your sperm has to travel through the cervix and then it will reach the uterus and then to the fallopian tube for fertilizing the egg.

However, how long can a sperm live inside the female body depends on a certain number of factors? Studies have shown that the maximum period your sperm can survive inside your female partner’s body is 5 days.

Although, if you have male infertility issues like low sperm count or low sperm motility then some of your sperm will live for a shorter time.

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The survival of your sperms also depends upon the conditions of your partner’s vagina, fallopian tubes, and uterus. Your sperms won’t survive inside a female body if the inner conditions are not suitable and will die within a few hours.

The female vagina has a fertile cervical fluid that helps to increase your sperm’s survival rates inside the vagina. The cervix of the female’s vagina has acidic components and if you are not suffering from any male infertility issues and your sperm is healthy, then it may survive up to 12 hours.

Every time you ejaculate, around 100 million sperms are released through your semen, but only a few and healthiest sperms will travel through the cervix and then to the uterus.

If the sperms safely reach the uterus, then they will travel towards the fallopian tubes and will stay there and wait for the eggs to fertilize for 5 days.

How Long Can A Sperm Survive Outside The Body?

How long can your sperm survive outside the body depends upon where it is located? Outside the body, your sperm can survive up to 15 to 30 minutes if it is in a suitable environment.

If it is on a dry surface like a table or clothes, then it will die as soon as it dries up. However, if it is on a warm or moist surface like a hot tub or human skin, then it will tend to live longer as the sperm develops in wet and warm environments.

If the doctor collects your sperm with an intracytoplasmic sperm injection and keeps it in a frozen and proper condition, then it will survive for longer periods.

How Long Can A Sperm Survive Outside The Body?

How long can your sperm survive outside the body depends upon where it is located? Outside the body, your sperm can survive up to 15 to 30 minutes if it is in a suitable environment.

If it is on a dry surface like a table or clothes, then it will die as soon as it dries up. However, if it is on a warm or moist surface like a hot tub or human skin, then it will tend to live longer as the sperm develops in wet and warm environments.

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