
3 Scientific Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

By Godswill Ajoma

Have you been experiencing orgasm too quickly, without control, or a lowered sexual satisfaction? It is pretty likely that you are suffering from premature ejaculation.

Even though there is no permanent treatment for this condition, there are easy remedies that have been proven to help delay ejaculation or help you become more aware of their sensations and how to control them, such as the use of supplements, over-the-counter products, and various sexual techniques.

1. The Use of Supplements

Minerals such as zinc, magnesium have been proven to help in healthy sperm production, reduce premature ejaculation, and increase certain muscle contractions. Calcium, copper, manganese, selenium can also be considered as a means that may help improve your overall reproductive health.

2. The Stop-Start System

This is a physical method that can help you overcome premature ejaculation.

This method also involves stimulating your penis until the peak is about to happen. Youshould then stop all stimulation and let the sensation of the forthcoming orgasm be gone completely.

When the pleasure goes down, you or your partner should stimulate your penis again and stop just before you ‘cum’. This is simply to help you know the signs that ejaculation is forthcoming so you control it yourself.

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3 .Use of Topical Products

The use of anesthetic creams and sprays can help you reduce stimulation and prolong you ‘Cumming’ time by numbing your penis. You should apply this cream or spray to the head of your penis about twenty to thirty minutes before sex activity and then wash your penis around five to ten minutes before sex.

4.     Exercising Your Pelvic Floor Muscles

You can become aware and strengthen your pelvic muscles by exercising them. Doing this can possibly increase your orgasm control.To do pelvic floor exercises you will need to lie or sit without putting any pressure on the area between your anus and genitals.

Remember, premature ejaculation can have various underlying causes, including psychological factors, relationship issues, or medical conditions. Therefore, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalized treatment plan. They can offer guidance on the most suitable remedies and techniques based on individual needs and circumstances.

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