3 Ways To Prevent Antibiotics Resistance

3 Ways To Prevent Antibiotics Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a growing health crisis that needs to be addressed before we enter into a post-antibiotic’s era, where little bacteria infection might get complicated.

Several infections like tuberculosis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and even typhoid is becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them are now becoming less effective.

Signs And Symptoms Of Hiv In Women
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Signs And Symptoms Of Hiv In Women

Written By Egbodo Peter According to WebMD the symptoms of HIV are mostly the same for men and women. But there can be some differences between the genders. Women’s HIV Symptoms There are a few signs that happen only in women, often in the later stages of infection: Changes In Your Period: You may have…

Difference Between HIV and AIDS

Difference Between HIV and AIDS

We often interchange these two terms – HIV and AIDS leading to a big confusion about their differences. This article is here to clear the air. We’ll be taking a tour on what both means and their differences.

HIV, which stands for ‘human immunodeficiency virus’ belongs to a group of viruses called retroviruses. What HIV does is to attack white blood cells within the immune system. These cells will stay infected for the rest of their lives because HIV finds its way into the nucleus of cells. If not treated it will develop into AIDS.

What is Spontaneous Orgasms: Causes & Solutions
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What is Spontaneous Orgasms: Causes & Solutions

A spontaneous orgasm is when an orgasm occurs without any sexual stimulation. There are several possible causes, but it is not clear how common they are.

Occasional spontaneous orgasms are typically not something to be concerned about. However, they can be a serious issue for some people and interfere with their daily life.

Mistakes to Avoid When Brushing Teeth

Mistakes to Avoid When Brushing Teeth

Egbodo Peter highlights common tooth brushing errors such as not brushing often or long enough, employing incorrect techniques, over-brushing, using hard bristles, not replacing brushes regularly, brushing immediately after eating, and rinsing with water post-brushing. Correcting these mistakes leads to better oral hygiene and a healthier mouth.

Can Salt and Water Prevent Pregnancy?
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Can Salt and Water Prevent Pregnancy?

Written by Egbodo Peter. A mix of salt and water is just one of the numerous unbelievable techniques that women today use to avoid getting pregnant. Non-emergency contraceptive pill and mixture use is extremely common among women these days, particularly among university students in Nigeria. According to a study done on a small group of…

The Science Behind Post-Coital Sleepiness: Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?
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The Science Behind Post-Coital Sleepiness: Why Do Men Fall Asleep After Sex?

Post-coital sleepiness in men involves hormonal increases, especially in prolactin and oxytocin, which decrease wakefulness and induce relaxation. Environmental factors like ambient lighting can accentuate this drowsiness. Misconceptions such as attributing it solely to exhaustion persist. Understanding individual differences and the importance of these biological changes can improve sexual health and relationship satisfaction.

12 Ways to Know Ovulation Signs for Pregnancy Planning
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12 Ways to Know Ovulation Signs for Pregnancy Planning

Egbodo Peter outlines how recognizing ovulation signs—like changes in discharge, cramping, and basal temperature—can aid conception efforts. Ovulation allows a 12-24 hour window for fertilization; missing it means another month’s wait. Not everyone experiences symptoms, but many can observe physical changes or use ovulation tests for more precise timing. Contact a healthcare professional for concerns.

Vitamins for Stronger Erections
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Vitamins for Stronger Erections

Egbodo Peter notes that while vitamins D and E, and Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) have potential to improve erectile dysfunction (ED) symptoms by improving blood flow and sexual function, research is inconclusive. It’s crucial to consult a doctor before using such supplements and to address the underlying causes of ED.

How Long Can Sperm Live Inside The Vagina After Intercourse

How Long Can Sperm Live Inside The Vagina After Intercourse

By Egbodo Peter A sperm is a male reproductive cell that is produced by the testes of a male reproductive organ. These are produced in the seminiferous tubules of each testicle. A mature sperm cell is about 0.05 millimeters long and it consists of a head, body, and tail. The head of the sperm consists…