Causes of Vaginal Expansion and Implications
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Causes of Vaginal Expansion and Implications

By Ngdailynew The vagina is an important part of a woman’s reproductive system. It is a muscular organ that provides the passage way for sperm to travel to the uterus and permit babies to exit the body during childbirth. For many women, their vagina size is important to their body image and self-esteem. Vagina expansion…

Apart From Pregnancy, What Else Do Sperms Do In A Woman’s Body
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Apart From Pregnancy, What Else Do Sperms Do In A Woman’s Body

By RecentGist. Sperms are usually associated with pregnancy, as they are the male reproductive cells necessary for fertilizing a female egg and initiating pregnancy. However, there are other things that sperms can do in a woman’s body. Here are 10 other functions of sperms in a woman’s body: 1. Boosting mood: Studies have shown that…

Hepatitis B infection: Symptoms, Causes And Prevention
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Hepatitis B infection: Symptoms, Causes And Prevention

Hepatitis B, caused by HBV, is a serious liver infection ranging from acute to chronic forms, with risks of cancer and cirrhosis. Symptoms include abdominal pain and jaundice. HBV spreads through bodily fluids and can be transmitted sexually, by sharing needles, or from mother to child. Vaccination can prevent it, but no cure exists once contracted. Immediate medical attention is advised after exposure or symptom onset.

Symptoms, Causes And Assumptions Of Cryptic  Pregnancy

Symptoms, Causes And Assumptions Of Cryptic Pregnancy

By Egbodo Peter Signs You’re Pregnant But Don’t Know It Medically referred to as a cryptic pregnancy What is a Cryptic Pregnancy? According to Cleveland clinic a cryptic pregnancy (or stealth pregnancy) is when a pregnant person doesn’t know they’re pregnant. In some cases, a person may only realize they’re pregnant because labor begins. Most…

3 Scientific Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

3 Scientific Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

By Godswill Ajoma Have you been experiencing orgasm too quickly, without control, or a lowered sexual satisfaction? It is pretty likely that you are suffering from premature ejaculation. Even though there is no permanent treatment for this condition, there are easy remedies that have been proven to help delay ejaculation or help you become more…

To Take or Not to Take Postinor 2: Considerations”

To Take or Not to Take Postinor 2: Considerations”

Are you wondering about taking Postinor 2 and how to know if it works? How should you take Postinor 2? Does it affect your periods and fertility? This post answers 13 common questions we encounter about taking this emergency contraception pill. Originally posted by AskAwayHealth. Edited: Egbodo Peter. 1. What happens if you take postinor…

Why Vaginal Discharge May Bleach Your Underwear: Explained

Why Vaginal Discharge May Bleach Your Underwear: Explained

By Egbodo Peter Vaginal discharge bleaching underwear is a common problem which most women face. Read on to know what this says about your intimate health. If you’ve been wondering “why does my discharge bleach my underwear,” it’s time to find out the answers. It turns out that bleaching underpants due to vaginal discharge is…

SEX: 6 Facts You Need To Know About First Time Sex

SEX: 6 Facts You Need To Know About First Time Sex

By Egbodo Peter Sexuality is a highly personal and diverse aspect of human life, and it encompasses a broad spectrum of experiences and preferences. Each individual’s journey with sex is shaped by a combination of biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors, making it inherently unique. The diversity in desires, preferences, and comfort levels among people ensures…

Condom: 6 Riskiest Factors to Avoid

Condom: 6 Riskiest Factors to Avoid

Condoms are an effective method for preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. Most brands are very safe, but some offer less protection than others. Condoms are a popular barrier method of conception. HOW SAFE ARE CONDOMS FOR PREGNANCY AND STIs? Male condoms are considered a safe and overall effective form of birth control. According to…



Premature ejaculation is the most common sexual problem in in the world. Most men orgasm sooner than they would like from time to time; that’s normal. If you ejaculate too quickly most of the times you have sex, and it’s a problem for you and your partner, there’s treatments that can help. Some men ejaculate…