Bleached Pants

Why Vaginal Discharge May Bleach Your Underwear: Explained

By Egbodo Peter

Vaginal discharge bleaching underwear is a common problem which most women face. Read on to know what this says about your intimate health.

If you’ve been wondering “why does my discharge bleach my underwear,” it’s time to find out the answers. It turns out that bleaching underpants due to vaginal discharge is rather common. The majority of women have experienced this peculiar issue each and every time they have worn dark underwear. You can rest; if you observed discolored patches on your underwear and thought something was wrong with you, this is actually a healthy indication.

We are not joking! The presence of vaginal bleaching undergarments indicates a healthy vagina. Naturally, the pH of a healthy vagina ranges from 3.8 to 4.5, meaning it is mostly acidic. Understandably, when you send it for laundry or put it in the washing machine, it leaves an orange area behind.

Why Is My Underwear Bleached?

A healthy vagina is acidic, as we have already discussed. It is capable of producing a lot of discharge. Periods, sex life, hormones, and other variables can all cause pH levels to change from time to time.

Sometimes, wearing light coloured undies might not make much of a difference because you won’t be able to see the bleached patch. But, put on black or dark-coloured underwear and you see it all!

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The vagina has good bacteria called lactobacilli which keep your vagina healthy by maintaining optimum acidity levels and preventing bad bacteria from causing infection. This discharge generally increases when you ovulate, as well as during pregnancy. When this discharge is exposed to air, it can cause a yellow or orange colour stain on your underwear due to oxidation.

Just remember that the vagina produces 4ml of discharge every day, and that’s a healthy amount. It is part of your vagina’s self-cleaning process! If you feel that there’s an excessive amount of discharge being produced, then make sure to consult your gynaecologist.

Read More: 5-easy-ways-to-keep-your-skin-healthy: Why Vaginal Discharge May Bleach Your Underwear: Explained

How can you prevent these stains?

Now, we aren’t saying this because staining your panties is unhealthy. This is mainly because like us, you might not want to spoil your pretty lingerie every now and then!

1. Wear panty liners

First of all, you could avoid stains by wearing panty liners throughout the day which will prevent the discharge from touching your panties.

2. Rinse your underwear

You can also rinse your underwear right after wearing it, because if you let it sit in your laundry basket, then it’s bound to leave behind a patch due to oxidation. You could also soak your underwear for a few hours and then wash it.

So, ladies, fret not because like we said, you all have a superpower!

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