Signs And Symptoms Of Hiv In Women
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Signs And Symptoms Of Hiv In Women

Written By Egbodo Peter According to WebMD the symptoms of HIV are mostly the same for men and women. But there can be some differences between the genders. Women’s HIV Symptoms There are a few signs that happen only in women, often in the later stages of infection: Changes In Your Period: You may have…

What is Spontaneous Orgasms: Causes & Solutions
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What is Spontaneous Orgasms: Causes & Solutions

A spontaneous orgasm is when an orgasm occurs without any sexual stimulation. There are several possible causes, but it is not clear how common they are.

Occasional spontaneous orgasms are typically not something to be concerned about. However, they can be a serious issue for some people and interfere with their daily life.

Can Salt and Water Prevent Pregnancy?
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Can Salt and Water Prevent Pregnancy?

Written by Egbodo Peter. A mix of salt and water is just one of the numerous unbelievable techniques that women today use to avoid getting pregnant. Non-emergency contraceptive pill and mixture use is extremely common among women these days, particularly among university students in Nigeria. According to a study done on a small group of…

12 Ways to Know Ovulation Signs for Pregnancy Planning
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12 Ways to Know Ovulation Signs for Pregnancy Planning

Egbodo Peter outlines how recognizing ovulation signs—like changes in discharge, cramping, and basal temperature—can aid conception efforts. Ovulation allows a 12-24 hour window for fertilization; missing it means another month’s wait. Not everyone experiences symptoms, but many can observe physical changes or use ovulation tests for more precise timing. Contact a healthcare professional for concerns.

6 Cause And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer.
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6 Cause And Symptoms Of Breast Cancer.

Egbodo Peter notes key symptoms of breast cancer: new lumps, shape changes, nipple discharge, skin alterations, and armpit swellings. Persistent breast pain associated with these signs should prompt a doctor’s visit. Treatments are personalized, considering numerous factors, and include surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal and targeted therapies. Lifestyle changes like weight management can reduce risk.

Vaginal Cramps: Second and Third Trimester Guidance for Expecting Moms

Vaginal Cramps: Second and Third Trimester Guidance for Expecting Moms

Written by Prerna Mittra. Many women face some amount of cramping during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimester, when the baby begins to grow and take up space in the uterus. Pregnancy journeys may look different for different women, in terms of the kind of experiences that they have. For many, the gestation…

Causes of Vaginal Expansion and Implications
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Causes of Vaginal Expansion and Implications

By Ngdailynew The vagina is an important part of a woman’s reproductive system. It is a muscular organ that provides the passage way for sperm to travel to the uterus and permit babies to exit the body during childbirth. For many women, their vagina size is important to their body image and self-esteem. Vagina expansion…

Apart From Pregnancy, What Else Do Sperms Do In A Woman’s Body
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Apart From Pregnancy, What Else Do Sperms Do In A Woman’s Body

By RecentGist. Sperms are usually associated with pregnancy, as they are the male reproductive cells necessary for fertilizing a female egg and initiating pregnancy. However, there are other things that sperms can do in a woman’s body. Here are 10 other functions of sperms in a woman’s body: 1. Boosting mood: Studies have shown that…

Symptoms, Causes And Assumptions Of Cryptic  Pregnancy

Symptoms, Causes And Assumptions Of Cryptic Pregnancy

By Egbodo Peter Signs You’re Pregnant But Don’t Know It Medically referred to as a cryptic pregnancy What is a Cryptic Pregnancy? According to Cleveland clinic a cryptic pregnancy (or stealth pregnancy) is when a pregnant person doesn’t know they’re pregnant. In some cases, a person may only realize they’re pregnant because labor begins. Most…

To Take or Not to Take Postinor 2: Considerations”

To Take or Not to Take Postinor 2: Considerations”

Are you wondering about taking Postinor 2 and how to know if it works? How should you take Postinor 2? Does it affect your periods and fertility? This post answers 13 common questions we encounter about taking this emergency contraception pill. Originally posted by AskAwayHealth. Edited: Egbodo Peter. 1. What happens if you take postinor…