
5 Ways To Keep Your Liver Alive

By Godswill Ajoma

You need your liver to stay alive so it is important you keep it alive. The liver is a vital organ located in the upper right portion of the abdomen, under the rib cage. It plays a crucial role in various metabolic processes in the body.

Your liver is one of the vital and second-largest organs in your body. Studies have shown that your liver has 500 critical jobs – you dare not keep it alive and working. The liver, however, belongs to the digestive system. It removes all toxins, clears medicine from your body, breaks down all your food. Adjust cholesterol levels, builds proteins and produce bile, which supports you absorbing fats, storing sugar for when you really need it, and regulating your hormonal levels–what a hard-working organ it is.


So here are proven ways to avoid liver disease.

1. Prevent hepatitis A, B and C by Getting Vaccinated

Getting vaccinated against hepatitis A, B, and, C which are viral diseases of the liver can help you keep your liver healthy.

2. Reduce Your Level of Alcohol Consumption

For your information, you do not have to drink alcohol for 50 years before you can come down with liver damage,just four ounces a day of hard liquor for men (two for women) can begin to scratch your liver, and your liver cells can begin to die.

3. Avoid Poisons And Hard Drugs

One of the functions of your liver is to eliminate toxins and dangerous chemicals, ingesting too much of these chemicals can endanger your liver cells.

4. Engage Only in Safe Sex

Certain disease of the liver can be transmitted by blood and bodily fluid, including Hepatitis B and C which can develop into chronic conditions that may eventually destroy your liver.

Read More: 10 SIMPLE STEPS TO YOUR HEALTHIEST LUNGS: 5 Ways To Keep Your Liver Alive

5. Avoid Herbs

Excessive ingestion of herbs can begin to kill your liver cells. Steer clear!

Lastly, make sure you eat rightly and avoid fatty food in order not to be overweight. Obesity can increase the workload of the liver. You need your liver to stay alive and healthy to stay alive.

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