Know The Truth:6 Lies You Were told About Female Genital Health & UTIS
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Know The Truth:6 Lies You Were told About Female Genital Health & UTIS

The fact that women are more prone to UTIs does not mean that men cannot also get UTIs. In fact, UTIs in men are often a sign of an underlying health condition, such as an enlarged prostate or kidney stones.

Understand Prebiotics, Pro, Post And Antibiotics

Understand Prebiotics, Pro, Post And Antibiotics

Prebiotics: Microorganisms need prebiotics as food, and they can also have their own health benefits. These are particular fiber kinds that the gut microbiota can break down and use as an energy source to support a diversified, well-balanced microbial community. More information regarding prebiotics’ health benefits can be found here.

3 Ways To Prevent Antibiotics Resistance

3 Ways To Prevent Antibiotics Resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a growing health crisis that needs to be addressed before we enter into a post-antibiotic’s era, where little bacteria infection might get complicated.

Several infections like tuberculosis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, and even typhoid is becoming harder to treat as the antibiotics used to treat them are now becoming less effective.

Difference Between HIV and AIDS

Difference Between HIV and AIDS

We often interchange these two terms – HIV and AIDS leading to a big confusion about their differences. This article is here to clear the air. We’ll be taking a tour on what both means and their differences.

HIV, which stands for ‘human immunodeficiency virus’ belongs to a group of viruses called retroviruses. What HIV does is to attack white blood cells within the immune system. These cells will stay infected for the rest of their lives because HIV finds its way into the nucleus of cells. If not treated it will develop into AIDS.